Hackerwood, P.   Listed as being at Pachena in the 1912/13 period.
Haddy, Norman   Operator at Alert Bay in 1932-33.
Hadley, Norman   June 1926 news item notes Hadley, part of the staff at Pachena wireless station, is getting married at Bamfield.

Halkett, Gordon   Halkett was the Marine District Engineer on the west coast at the turn of the 20th century. He lost an eye in 1908 when a tool's spark ignited the acetylene gas in a buoy he was servicing. From that point on he wore dark glasses making him easy to spot in old photos.  Visited Estevan Point in October 1934 to investigate keeper Lally's operation of the light.
Hammell, Claude   Operator on the coast.  No station info available.
Hammerer, Harold   In 1953, Harold joined the Department of Marine Services, Telecommunications Branch, as a Radio Operator at Point Grey Radio. Transferred to Prince Rupert in 1954 and spent 15 months as an operator at Cape St. James lightstation. Pachena from 1957 until the station moved to Tofino in 1959. 10 years at Tofino then to Prince Rupert as Area Operations Supervisor (AOS) until 1972.   From 1972 until retirement in 1989 he was the Area Operations Supervisor at Victoria CG base.  In this position he was responsible for the operations side of Victoria, Tofino, Comox, Alert Bay and Bull Harbor radio stations. 
Hamilton, Harry & Mrs.   Owned a farm north of Estevan Point, somewhat past Homiss. Noted in Aitkens diary (1930's).
Harker, James E.   Jim was an ex- British Post Office Telegrapher and came to Canada in 1909 (1911 census). Harker joined as an operator in 1909, and after some training at Gonzales Wireless, was posted to Cape Lazo Wireless as an assistant.
   In 1910 Jim is listed as an operator at Lazo and was receiving $85 per month. He soon after relieved Cameron at the new station on Digby Island. 1911 census lists Jim as a lodger in Reg Harris' house on Digby Island. He also served a period of time at Ikeda and Triangle Wireless (1912-13) with his wife and family. In 1914 moved to Vancouver Wireless. Jim also is listed as a 1916 2nd operator at Alert Bay wireless station. (Jim's son Bill was born at Alert Bay in 1915 and was seven when they moved out to Cape Lazo.) Operator at Cape Lazo in 1923-24. In 1926 he was the OIC of the downtown Vancouver station (VAB) with Crowe as an assistant.In 1926 his net pay was $1923.75  In 1930 he became a radio inspector in Vancouver.  Jim retired in 1947. Jim ended his 39 year career as a Senior Radio Inspector for British Columbia, based in Vancouver. (b.1887  d.1971)

Harker, William & Nan   Harker joined as an operator during World War One, following in the footsteps of his brother, Jim. Larry Reid's book has him listed on November 05, 1923 as an operator. He is an operator at Estevan in 1928.
   Bill's son, see next entry, carried on in his father's footsteps.
Harker, George William (Bill)   William & Nan's son Bill joined the Service in the 1930's and retired to Canim Lake, in the Williams Lake area of British Columbia in the early 1970's. Bill's last position was as an electronics technician at the Patricia Bay Airport (YYJ). Bill was born in Alert Bay in January 1915 and passed away at 94 years in Vernon on May 20, 2009.
Harlock, Eric Donald   Harlock was an operator in the early days at Pachena, is credited with helping to put in gardens and landscaping.  Still there in 1940.
Harper, H  April 1915 edition of the Victoria Colonist newspaper mentions him as "an operator at the local wireless station".  Most likely Gonzales.

Harris, "Lofty" Kenneth Cyril     Lofty was born in Nova Scotia in 1893. He started his career at Victoria Wireless in February 1912. He was at Dead Tree from March 1912 to May 1913. In June of 1913 Harris moved across to Digby Island and in February 1914 he shifted down to Alert Bay. His posting there was short as in March 1914 he was posted to Triangle Island. He got an extra $25/yr isolation pay for Triangle.  August 1915 he shipped down south to Point Grey as the 3rd operator where he stayed for two years. In October 1917 he moved up to Estevan until at least February of the following year. Got married to Effie in March 1918.  His next posting was up in Ikeda from at least June 1918 through to August 1919. His rank on January 1918 was RNCVR (Special) W/T operator. He was on Ikeda when the 'Galiano' sank off Cape St. James. [These dates from his photo album notes.]
   B.C. Directory has Lofty working as an operator at Bull Harbor in 1923 through to 1930. In 1926 his net pay was $1,804.85 Sometime before 1943 he became a Radio Inspector. In 1943 he transferred to a radio technician and constructed and maintained marine and airport radio stations in British Columbia. He finished his career in the Aviation Radio branch of the Federal Government in Alberta. He worked some 49 years with the Dominion Government. He spent the last of his retirement years in the Coombs area, west of Parksville on Vancouver Island. There are a number of his personal photos in the Harris album area of this web site.

(d) 1989
Harris, Reginald J.   Harris was one of the first operators at Digby Island and appears in the 1911 census. At that time he was earning $900 annually. Prince Rupert newspaper reports that in April 1911 his mother arrived for a visit there was hope she would reside there--"They are all clever batchers, the wireless boys appreciate the presence of a mother to make the place like home." He resigned shortly after 1913 and returned to the Grand Trunk Pacific steamers. Reg eventually left wireless behind and built up an insurance business in Seattle.
Harris, Smokey (E.H.)   He was an 1927 operator at the Pachena DF Station.
Harrison, Brian S.   Harrison was an operator at Estevan Point at the time it was shelled, June 1942. During W.W.2 he was an operator at the Vancouver Japanese code intercept station in Vancouver. He was the officer in charge of Alert Bay in the 1949-1955 period. He would clear the aerial wires of robins by pressing the transmit key.
Harrison, B.H.   Noted as a radio inspector in the 1918-1960 period.
Harvey, G.   Operator at Vancouver/VAI in 1964.
Hassell, William George   He was a "learner" green operator at Ikeda in 1915 at $45/mo. Left Ikeda during the war years. May have gone into commercial radio according to this saved page.
Haughton, Edward Johnston  He was born in Ireland. In 1888 he joined the C.P.R. telegraphs and spent 17 years there as operator and eventually chief operator.  Eddie worked his way up to be in charge of the landline telegraph between Victoria and Barclay Sound. In November of 1907 Haughton retired from the Victoria C.P.R. telegraph office and became the first operator and Officer in Charge appointed to the Victoria Wireless Station (Colonist). Pay was $70 per month plus free accommodation. In January 1910 he transferred to the position of District Superintendent of Wireless and was replaced at the station by Howard. His salary increased to $100 per month. (He did double duty by staying on as the OIC of Victoria Wireless.) In 1910 he became the head of all the stations in British Columbia but still occupied the position of OIC at Victoria. Salary now $110 per month. In 1910 (before World War 1) all the operators were put under the authority of Naval Command. Haughton received the rank of Lieutenant. This commission expired at the end of hostilities. Eddie married Miss May Shotbolt of Victoria in August 1911. She was the daughter of Thomas Shotbolt whose property bordered Gonzales Hill (wireless station). In 1916 his yearly salary was $2029.92.

   Eddie, being the west coast District Superintendent, was the highest paid man on the Service in 1926 with a net pay of $3,277.50   November 1926 he published his thoughts on the last 20 years of wireless on the west coast. He suffered a compound left leg fracture in October 1926 when crushed by a car against a Vancouver office building. Haughton retired in December 1938, and passed away in January 1940.  Haughton managed the west coast wireless stations well.  Newspaper report of his death here.
Hawkeswood, Ralph   Joined the wireless service in the 1911-12 period, most likely from the British Post Office. In September 1914 he appears in a Lofty Harris Triangle Island photo 49. He received a bonus of $25 for serving a year at Triangle in 1916.  3rd operator at Gonzales in 1916. He is listed as one of the early operators at Alert Bay wireless station. His rank on January 1918 was RNCVR (Special) W/T operator.
Haynes, Marjorie V.   Larry Reid's book notes she joined the Victoria district office in 1921 and retired in 1956. Shortly afterwards she and Jack Bowerman were married. Marjorie was a secretary in the Victoria Wireless District Office for most of her life.
Haywood, Mr & Mrs   Aitkens' Estevan Point diary from the 1930's notes they may have had a child (Julie?). No occupation listed.
Healey, Art   In 1936 Art was the operator on the the SS Brightstar.  He was the OIC at the radio intercept station on Lulu Island (Vancouver) in the latter part of WW2. This station copied the Japanese military radio frequencies and passed on the intercepts for the spooks to decode, if possible.
   Art was the OIC at Pachena from 1949 to 1955. In 1963 he was the OIC at Alert Bay and by 1965 was OIC at Victoria. In 1967 he shifted from working at a station to management.  As the Area Operations Supervisor he was responsible for the efficient operation of the marine radio stations on Vancouver Island (Victoria, Tofino, Alert Bay, Comox & Bull Harbor.) Art retired from that position in the early 1970's. His wife Betty wrote an article for an 'in house' Department of Transport newsletter concerning her family's time at Pachena.  1962 Amateur Call Sign book shows him at Alert Bay (VE7AH).
Heatley, James  20 year old operator at Victoria 1942.  Batched with three other operators.  (Times 1942 Feb.)
Hewitt, T
.   1934 operator at Bull Harbor.
Hill, James (Jim)   Operator at Digby in the mid 1950's and VAI in 1964.
Hill, Norman  Part time Vancouver Radio Inspector on Bowerman's staff.  Appointed June 1929.
Hillier, W.J.   Was a government telegraph operator (land line) at Ucluelet in 1909. He may be the same person as below.
Hillier, William Thomas  Hillier began his career as a Canadian Marconi operator.  He joins the wireless system in 1910.  1911 census has him at Cape Lazo station. At the end of 1911 he arrives at Pachena as the Officer In Charge. In December 1911 he seriously injured his right eye by an igniter accident while starting a gas engine (in his boat) at Pachena and had to leave the station for treatment.  Newspaper item has him heading up to Dead Tree in November 1912. In May 1914 he departed Dead Tree and went to Wiesbaden, Germany to receive treatment. In August 1914, at the start of World War 1, he made his way out of the country by hiding an a train baggage car and walking into Holland. Read his escape story here.  He was expected to return to his job as senior operator at Dead Tree but wound up at Point Grey. (In August 1913 his brother attempted to rescue a young woman in the Tl-el River close to Dead Tree.) Operating at Point Grey in 1918 (Wrigley's Directory). Shortly after 1916 he left the service and worked for the CPR, eventually becoming a station agent. Born in London in 1885 and died in Vancouver in 1961.
Hilton, S.   Operator at Gonzales in 1916. During that time he worked 73 days of extra duty at $2.25/day. Since that was the way the money was disbursed with no salary shown, it's likely he was an 'on call' operator, filling in for regular operators.  Moved over to Pachena in the 1916-17 period.
Hromatka, W  1962-63 Amateur Call Book shows address as Digby Island (VE7ABW).  Possibly a station operator.
Hockey, B.   Operator at VAI in 1964
Hocking, Thos. G.    1911 accountant in the west coast wireless service. Most likely stationed in Victoria. $60/month at that time.
Hodgson, R.H.   1938 and 1939 directory has him listed as an operator at Estevan Point Radio.
Hollis, Frederick J.   Fred joined the wireless service in the 1911-12 period, most likely from the British Post Office. Hollis was transferred from Digby Island in 1914. 4th operator at Pachena in 1916 receiving $67.50/mo. His rank on January 1918 was RNCVR (Special) W/T operator. He appears in a 1921 photo taken on the steps of the Point Grey station.
    Larry Reid's book lists him as an operator on November 05, 1923. In 1926 his net pay was $1,688.38.  He was the Senior Operator at Alert Bay during the 1924-1930 period. In 1939 he moved to Vancouver to become a clerk in the Radio Inspector's office.
    In a 1947 newspaper article his wife, Winnifred, says they first went to Pachena, then Estevan, and ending with six years at Alert Bay. (Thus a nine year gap to be figured out.)
Holmes, George W.   George operated at Alert Bay in the 1949-1956 time frame. Wife was Rosemary.  1956 Times article mentions him at Alert Bay.
Holmer, George   1952 Times item mentions him operating at Victoria.  Perhaps Holmes is Holmer
Holt, Herbert (Herbie)   Holt was an early and unmarried operator who stayed for a long period of time at the Dead Tree Wireless station. He eventually transferred out to the Point Grey station.

In June 2019 one of his sons sent me the following note in addition to some photos:    Born November 12, 1904 in Bolton, Lancashire, England. Emigrated to Vancouver in 1912. Received education in radio at (I think) Sprott Shaw College in 1924. Spent five consecutive years away at sea as ship’s radio operator, including time in the far east and the Caribbean (United Fruit Co). He began his 35 year Government career as a marine radio operator in 1929. Growing up I can recall him speaking of working in such places as Pachena Point, Bull Harbour, Dead Tree and Alert Bay. He transferred to Point Grey in 1950 (maybe 1949?). He finally married in 1950 and had two boys. When Point Grey closed he worked at Vancouver Airport for a year or two. With his retirement coming up he took a 2 year assignment, in '61 or ’62, at the Mould Bay high arctic weather station, NWT. (d. 1990)
Hooper, Al   Hooper was an operator at Dead Tree during the early 1940's. Might be the Hooper noted below.  This Al's face appears on the left.
Hooper, Herman (Hoops) A.   Hoops was an operator at Estevan Point in 1927 & 1928 noted in a provincial directory.  Noted as an operator in the 1937-38 period at Bull Harbor. He was a bookkeeper (probably operated and squared the ship/coast station charges etc) at Digby when Monty was posted there in 1953. By 1960 he was OIC at Digby. There was a Smokey Hooper at Alert Bay during Stave Mellor's tenure as OIC 1949-1955. Might be the same person.
Howard, Walter (Daddy)    Howard was an early wireless pioneer on the BC coast. (b. 1880 d. 1966) He started his telegraphic career in Britain in the early 1890's. He joined the Royal Engineers and worked on improving the defenses of Esquimalt Harbor (the naval base) around 1900. He then returned to Britain and was discharged. He came back to Victoria in 1906 where he helped construct the Gonzales station. He was stricken with gold fever and spent a couple of years in the Yukon but returned to Victoria where he joined the Wireless Service in 1909 and spent a couple of years at Gonzales. In charge of Deadtree in 1912. His rank on January 1918 was RNCVR (Special) W/T operator.  Also operated at Vancouver, Dead Tree and Pachena.
Huddleston, George   Operator at Alert Bay during the 1949-1955 period.
Hughes, Edward   Hughes was the local project manager for the wireless plan.  He joined in with Morse, Rickensen and Howard to complete the installation at Estevan Point. In September 1907 he is noted a newspaper article examining radio apparatus in Victoria before the gear is shipped to Pachena and Estevan Points. He received $100 per month plus a living allowance of $40 for this duty. He continued in the service as a Radio Engineer. In 1910 his salary in that position was $110/mo. In 1910 (before World War 1) all the operators were put under the authority of the Naval Command. Hughes received the rank of Lieutenant. This commission finished at the end of hostilities.
Hues, T. (Hughes?)   Hughes is operating at Bull Harbor in 1928 and 1929. [The two Hughes are probably not the same person.]
Hutchinson, K.   Operator at Vancouver/VAI in 1964.
Hutton, N. (Norm?)   Operator in Bull Harbor in the 1935-39 period. In the late 1960's there was a Victoria based Radio Inspector by the name of Norm Hutton--could be the same person.

   A Victoria newspaper reports he was doing the wireless installation at Estevan in January of 1909. He married Mariam in 1909. In 1911 census Walter was the lone operator at the Dead Tree Wireless working a 50 hour week for $600 per annum. (Walter's grandson supplied a photo :  "The calendar on the left wall is from Robert Lewis dated February 1911. The time on the clock is approximately 8:05. The ship photo behind Walter is of the White Star Line HMS Laurentian after an Atlantic crossing approaching Montreal.)  Once the Victoria station was completed, he and Ted Rickensen went to Pachena and Estevan Points to do the installation there. Upon completion of the stations Howard left the service but reappeared as an operator within a few months. He was the OIC at Dead Tree when he received a transfer in February 1912 to Cape Lazo. He was at Cape Lazo in 1913 for certain as one of his sons was the first European born at Comox's St. Joseph's Hospital. 1916 wages at Cape Lazo as O.I.C. were $87.50/mo. He replaced McIntyre at Dead Tree Point for a short time and eventually replaced Haughton at Victoria Wireless. A Vancouver City directory lists Walter as the OIC of Point Grey in 1918, 1920 & 1921.(In Reid's account, Howard was the first OIC of Dead Tree when it opened in 1911.) In 1910 his salary at the Victoria Station was $75/mo.
   Late in 1920 he was appointed as Radio Inspector of Radio Telegraph Installations for British Columbia stationed in Victoria.  From 1924 to 1927 he had his office in Ottawa.  "Daddy" became a senior radio inspector in 1928 and had Jack Bowerman under him. In 1939 he was the Supervising Radio Inspector for B.C. and was located in Vancouver.  Retired at the end of 1945. 
   The man standing on the left in the Bowerman photo 351 is most likely him.
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Harris, E.H.   Pachena DF station in 1925