Ignace, George George, a First Nations resident at Hesquiat, a few miles east of Estevan Point. He ran the launch, ferrying goods and people ashore from the supply vessels in the 1930's. From Hesquiat the goods would travel via a plank road to the Estevan Point station. In 1939 he was listed as a mail carrier. George was still there in 1958 during Keith Wood's time. |
Irvine, Basil Irvine was a Vancouver man who served on submarines with Bruce Restall during World War One. He was assigned to Vancouver in 1930 as a radio interference trouble shooter. He came equipped with a fully fitted out inspection vehicle. His arrival caused a bit of a stir as his pay was much higher than local inspectors. He and Andy Gray were chasing interference in the Courtenay area in September 1929. He was chasing radio interference in Rossland at the end of March 1933 and was in Kaslo at the end of September that same year. He and Reginald Fricker patented a means of reducing reception interference. Check out the Claim, the Description, and the Drawing. In 1950 he gave a talk on "Radio Interference" in Vancouver to a gathering of 300 electronic manufacturers and technicians. Retired 1960 after 40 years. (d 1971 at 76 y/o) |
Jackson, R. Operator at VAI in 1964. |
Jackson, Sidney Charles Joined the wireless service in the 1911-12 period, most likely from the British Post Office. He was with Bowerman on Triangle Island in 1913. On July 12, 1913 he married the sister of Victoria station's manager Whiteside. Jackson, with his ailing wife, was transferred from Digby Island in 1914 as the 2nd operator at Pachena, in 1916 moving up to O.I.C. position. His rank on January 1918 was RNCVR (Special) W/T operator. His last operating position was as O.I.C. at Gonzales, ending in November 1938. He spent 12 years at Gonzales. - 1 letter from S.C. Jackson, Dept. of Naval Service Radiotelegraph Branch, Pachena(?) BC to Naval Intelligence Officer H.MC. Dockyard, Esquimalt dated Nov 1st 1915 requesting 50 151 forms for the Wireless Station. In November of 1938 Jackson was promoted to inspector and opened a radio inspection office in Kamloops. Meiss came over from the Merchant's Exchange station (VAB) and replaced him in Victoria. He retired in 1940 with Len Crowe replacing him at Kamloops. |
Jackson, John John was Sid Jackson's son. In November 1938 he was a wireless operator at Grand Forks, B.C. He was a radio inspector in Victoria 1960-1970's. (He may have been a landline telegrapher as Grand Forks was a centre for rail road activities.) |
James, Leonard He was one of the first operators at the Point Grey Wireless Station. James was promoted to OIC when Field resigned in March 1908. In 1910 he was receiving $85/month salary as the OIC at Point Grey. 1911 census shows him earning $1200/yr. b. Sept 1880 Thanks to Diane, Leonard's grand-daughter for the photo.
James, Percy G. James was an early operator at Cape Lazo with Walter Lambert. His rank on January 1918 was RNCVR (Special) W/T operator. Jameson Operating at Point Gray in October 1910. Also at the Pachena DF Station some time after the 1922 reopening. Jensen, Peter J. Lightkeeper and wife at Estevan Point during Jack Bowerman's stay in 1911-12. He supplemented his pay with an occasional $3/month contract to carry the mail from Hesquiat to Estevan. 1911 census tells us his wife Alice and children Edith, Elizabeth, and Louis were with him. At that time he was getting $800/yr. Jeune, Hebert H. 4th operator at Estevan in 1916, earning $627.50. Was at Alert Bay in April 1917, according to a marriage notice in the Colonist newspaper. Joe, Hugh Operator at Estevan 1943 to 1945. ("Chinese Victoria" by John Adams 2022 page 319) Johnson, William Cameron Operator at Digby Island in 1948. Was operating at Bull Harbor in the early 1950's. |
Jones, Syd (Sid) P. A veteran of World War 1, Jones attended Sprott-Shaw College where he received his operator's certification in 1920. At one time (after 1922) Jones was the OIC of the Pachena DF Station. He was an operator at Point Grey Wireless when Jack Bowerman was OIC (1920-23). Larry Reid's book has him listed as an operator on November 05, 1923. By 1926 Syd was taking home $1,572 a year. In 1939 Sid returns from eastern Canada, why he was there is presently unknown, and is sent to Pachena as the OIC. From there he went to Digby Island and in 1951 he became the last OIC of Point Grey. Photo is from 1923. |
Kawalski, Mort J. Operator at Bull Harbor in 1952. He operated at VAI as his name appears on the station's 1964 Christmas Card. |
Keele, Bill Bill was an operator at Alert Bay in the 1945. He left in 1946 to become an electrician. Kelk, Edward Wallace Kelk, with his wife and two children, was the OIC at Pachena in the late 1910's. One newspaper (Dec 19/54 Colonist) reports he was the first OIC of Pachena. He had been an officer in the British Army (Cavalry), served seven years in India and had risen to the rank of corporal. He became a bit of an authority in horse breeding and racing. He was with Bowerman during the 1920-23 period at Point Grey wireless. Larry Reid's book has him listed on November 05/1923 as an operator. In 1926 his net pay as chief operator at Pachena was $1,976.95. Tommy Thomas notes Kelk is the Chief Operator at Alert Bay in 1929. He had a wife and two children, a boy and a girl with him on the station. He became the secretary of the B.C.Breeders Association and was an authority in the field. He was the sports editor at the News-Hearld for 10 years before his death at 61 in 1948. He also wrote informative articles for newspapers regarding the west coast wireless service. Kellard Joined the wireless service in the 1911-12 period, most likely from the British Post Office. Keller, F.H. Listed as a radio inspector sometime during the 1918-1960 period. Keller, Ralph 1952 Times paper item lists him as on staff at Victoria. |
Kelwich, B. Kelwich appears in a 1923 photo of some Point Grey operators. |
Kennedy, Colin Bruce Colin was an Austrailian (some say Canadian) born in 1885. First Pachena station manager. In 1910 he is listed in Larry Reid's book as an operator at Pachena Point Wireless and in receipt of an $85 per month salary. He was listed as the head wireless operator at Pachena in the 1911 census. Kennedy was with Bowerman at Pachena in 1911. He did time at Estevan at some point. In late 1911 he left Pachena and became a technician with Federal Telegraph in California. In 1920 he started building receivers for experimenters but by 1922 was building them commercially. Check out a web page devodted to Kennedy here. (1919: Colin B. Kennedy founded his Radio Company in San Francisco; R.S. Ormsby is one of his engineers; Kennedy makes custom as well as production models and is known as the "wireless tailor" for his custom work. [SWP] From WEST COAST WIRELESS Copyright Bart Lee, 1992, 1999, 2006, Page 18) The November 1930 Popular Science magazine has Colin recommending RCA vacuum tubes to radio enthusiasts. Although the Kennedy company was small, it was well respected. (d. 1942)
Kennedy A man by this name is noted in the Province paper (February 23, 1912) as being the operator in the Dominion Government's ship "Newington". Kennedy, M. V. In November of 1923 he/her is listed in Larry Reid's book, as the Clerk/Bookkeeper of the Victoria HQ. Kennedy, W. S. On the 1926 pay sheet there is a W. S. Kennedy receiving $1,425.00 net pay in 1926. Job position is unknown. Killeen, H. C. He was the Victoria based civil engineer for the Department of Marine and Fisheries. In the June 1909 he laid out Triangle Island and left a gang of men to build a boat and store house. The next year found him back at Triangle Island putting the final touches on site. King, Elizabeth Operator at the Vancouver Japanese intercept station. Went deep sea after the war. King, Martin J. At Estevan as an operator in 1931 and 1932. Married July 22, 1932? a lady from Calgary. King was the Officer In Charge of the Pachena DF Station in 1948. |
Kitchin, James (Jim) E. Operator at Alert Bay in 1929 and later on in his career became the Regional Supervising Radio Inspector in Vancouver. He authored the "Radio Amateur Licensing Handbook" in 1959 to help budding amateur radio operators acquire their licenses. This handbook went into four editions, the last in October 1961. (VE7KN) He received his 1st Class Radio Certificate #2211 in Alert Bay on July 7, 1930. At some time in his career he was a wireless operator on the S.S. "Esther Dollar". (d. 1983 at 82) [Photo is from the Society of Wireless Pioneers.] |