Laker, Jessie S.   1916 Victoria district office stenographer earning $66.67/month. 

Lalley, Robert M.   Lighthouse keeper at Estevan Point for many years: 1927 to 1939. He was there when the station was shelled during World War 2. Wife may be called Doreen (or Eliza) d.1990 Had an adopted son called Roy. 

Lake, Agnes   Operator at the Vancouver Japanese code intercept station during WW2.

Lambert, Walter Henry.  Lambert (b. 1893 London) was an early operator at Cape Lazo wireless station (see Bowerman photo #167). He was on that station with Percy James. J.C. Stephen eventually replaced him. He signed up as a RNCVR (Special) W/T operator on November 6/17. In 1926 Lambert was installed as the first instructor at the well known "Room 19" at King Edward High School in Vancouver. This course turned out many a fine radio operator in some 30 years of operation. He was a robust saltwater paddler too, as this 1947 Vancouver Sun newspaper clipping explains. By 1938 he and his 16 foot canoe "Tenebris" had been to Tatoosh twice and five times around Cape Flattery.  Hung up his paddles in 1949 due to declining health. Retired in 1954 and passed away in 1957.  Local newspaper write up of Lambert here in PDF.


Larson, L.   Larson was the Janitor in the Victoria HQ around 1923. 
Lassaline, Buck   Operated at Alert Bay in the 1949-1955 time period.
Lathwell, Harry T.   Operator at the Vancouver Japanese intercept station during W.W.2. Radio Inspector sometime during 1918-1960.  
Lawton, Alphonsus T. (Alf)   Operator at Barrington Passage Wireless in Nova Scotia during World War 1.
Legge-Willis   Operator with Frick at Pachena around 1923-24. He was "relieved of his duties" when he gave a DF bearing that was 180 degrees in error. The Norwegian vessel "Tatyana" was lost in the fog.  Skipper thought he was off Carmanah, but was entering Barclay Sound, thus leading to its hull being perforated on the granite of Village Island.  No lives were lost in the 1924-02-26 incident.  The vessel was salvaged.  
Leonard, Percy   December 15, 1918 issue of the Daily Colonist tells of Percy's return home from the war. Item says he was an operator in the west coast Canadian Radio Telegraph Service. No west coast stations noted, although the article mentions he spent October 1916 to October 1917 at the Barrington Passage station in Nova Scotia.  In September 1923 the Times notes he was the wireless operator on the "Hawaii Maru" when the vessel met a typhoon of the coast of Japan.
Lind, Henry  Newpaper item (1937-06-02 Times) mentions Henry living at Bull Harbor.
Lloyd, W.G.  Lloyd was Bull Harbor operator in 1936-39. In 1946 he was operating at the Digby Island (Prince Rupert) station.
Lockett, Ken   Operator at Dead Tree in the early 1940's. Shows up on Vancouver aeradio station's 1954 Christmas card. He was a Vancouver Radio inspector during in the 1960's.


Logy, Jim   Assistant light keeper at Estevan Point during Aitkens posting to that wireless station in the 1930's.
Lowe, Alex   Gene Aitkens mentions Lowe in her 1930's diary. He was a carpenter at Estevan Point Wireless. 
Lowe, George F.  He is mentioned in a 1939 Prince Rupert newspaper clipping as a construction foreman doing some station inspections. The Royal B.C. Archives have over 200 photos and several reels of amateur movies of his activities on the coast.  He visited and documented several of the coast stations in the course of his business.
Lucas, Len Moved over from the Bamfield Cable Station to being a wireless operator in 1910 at Pachena for $70/month. In the 1912 Federal accounts noted as the assistant at Pachena. He got married in April 1918 and his occupation is wireless operator on the S.S. Estevan.
Lukovitch, Antonio   Assistant Lightkeeper at Estevan Point during Bowerman's stay in 1911-12. A person by the name of 'A. Lukovitch' had a store in Hesquiat in the late 1890's and this may be the same person or a relation. 1911 census reports he was being paid $640/yr for his services. (b.1864)
McCAllum, Bruce  Operator at Bull Harbor in 1951.  At Point Grey in July 1952.
McCallum, John W. 
19 year old wireless operator at Pachena in 1957.

McConnell, A.H.   McConnell is listed as a labourer at the Estevan Point Wireless station in 1927 through to 1936.  His name appears on the 1933 station Christmas card. Photo on the left.


MacCracken, E.J. Larry Reid's book has him listed as an operator on November 05/1923.


McDonald   In May 1913 a wireless operator by this name leaves Digby and joins the vessel "Quadra" (PR Journal).




MacDonald, John D.  June 24, 1909 Victoria Times newspaper "...foreman MacDonald who is in charge of the work at Triangle Island."  He was the road superintendent for the Dominion Government.  He was also the foreman on the West Coast life saving trail job.  Died in 1935 at 68.


MacDonald, L.V. (Private)   Joined the 88th Fusiliers and served sentry duty at Pachena, then served overseas and died in action at 19 years of age in 1916.  
Macdougall, Don   Don was the radio operator in the C.G.S. William J. Stewart (hydrographic vessel) in the 1930's. (Aitkens' diary.)
McIntyre, Charlie M.   The Colonist paper records a Mr. McIntyre as the wireless expert doing the 1909 installation at Ikeda. Did some of the installation work at Dead Tree Point Wireless in 1910, and then stayed on for a few months as an operator. Pay in 1910, whilst engaged in construction, was $90 per month and $40 per month living allowance. In June 1910 he and Dewhurst were evaluating a radio path between Prince Rupert and Stewart, none being found. 1911 census shows him operating at Ikeda Wireless Station. That same year a newspaper reports Mr. McIntyre from the Ikeda Station is in Queen Charlotte City for a few days visiting friends. In November 1912 he moved from Ikeda to Dead Tree, replacing Howard.  April 1913 reports him visiting Prince Rupert from Ikeda station. 1912 Federal Accounts show an amount $50.45 for travel from Ikeda to Vancouver in September. (b.1882)
McLean, W. E.   McLean is listed in the 1938 Directory as residing at Estevan Point. Occupation is not listed, but probably an operator. 
McKay, Miss J.   In 1923 she is listed in Larry Reid's book as the a junior clerk/steno in the Victoria HQ.
McKenzie, P   Operator on the C.P.R.'s Princess Royal in 1910.
Macdonald, John Hugh   Macdonald started as a second wirelss operator at the Point Grey station at age 17 in 1910.  At that time he was receiving $65/mo.  Jack shows up in the 1911 census as an operator at that station earning $780/yr.  On May 1, 1911 at 23:00 PST he was startled to hear, not Morse, but voice and music coming from a Seattle station on 4000 Meters (75kHz).
   A few years later he quit and became the operator at the Anyox mine and smelter (operational 1914-1936) in a northern coastal corner of the province. He held that post for the 19 years the mine was in operation. The Anyox facility was quite the establishment having a townsite with a generously sized population. The place even had its own power dam. Doubtless a lot of the Anyox wireless traffic flowed through Digby Island Wireless. Click here to see Jack at his post in Anyox.
   Dick Lobb remembers Macdonald went to Bull Harbor as an operator after Anyox closed down in the late 1930's. Operating in Bull Harbor 1938-40. Colonist article (1939-10-15) reports "the MacDonalds" at Bull Harbor. He may have been an operator at Pachena in 1948.   (d. 1949)

McLaren, Clive   Operator at Digby in 1945.

McQueen, M.H. (Herb)   Joined as a radio technician in the 1911-12 period. He went to eastern Canada for duty during World War One. He supervised the installation of the direction finding station at Pachena. Larry Reid's book has him listed as a 'radio electrician' with the Radio Workshop in Esquimalt on November 05, 1923. He was taking home $2,194.50 in 1926.  In 1927 he was the "Senior Radio Electrician" at the workshop.
McTavish, G. Neil   Neil was an operator at the new Bull Harbor station in 1921. Listed as an operator at Estevan Point in 1923. He became a radio technician in the early 1950's working out of the Victoria electronics shop. Later on he became OIC at Bull Harbor, and a year later became the radio inspector at Kelowna.


Maddam   The September 29, 1910 Victoria Times paper reports he was the operator at Honolulu when Triangle Island made its long distance record. The same report says Maddam's previous position was as an operator at Pachena.
Mainard, Aubrey   Operator at Alert Bay in the 1949-55 period.
Manning, Robert (Bob)  Operated Comox, Victoria and Ocean Station Papa in the 1950-80's era.  1962-63 Amateur Call Book lists Bob in Vancouver (VE7BHF).
Martin, Hugh (Duke) Graduated from Room 19 in 1940. Operated at the Lazo and Vancouver stations. Hugh went to the aeradio side of the house, spending time at Fort Nelson. His daughter-in-law contacted me in August/14 and offered some of his photos from the Room 19 days. He held Walter Lambert, the instructor, in high regard as did many of the graduates. Hugh kept a photo of Lambert on his home's workshop wall.
Martin, M.A.   Noted as a radio inspector in the 1918-1960 period.
Martin, M.S.   Noted as a radio inspector in the 1918-1960 period. This Martin and the M.A. Martin were taken from the same list of inspectors
Martin, R.  Operator at VAI in 1962.  Amateur Call Book lists him in Sandspit/VAH.
Marwick, G.H.  
Operator at Alert Bay in the 1923-24 period.
Matheson, Ron   Ron is mentioned in Gene Aitkens Estevan Point diary in the mid 1930's. Occupation is unknown.
Mathias, Paul   B.C. Directory lists Paul as the landline telegrapher at Hesquiat.
Maynard, Ken   Operator at Digby in 1945.

Meiss, James Saint Elmo   In 1893 Meiss was born in Victoria and joined the wireless service in the 1911-12 period. Reid's book says he worked as a CPR telegrapher in Victoria. Jim spent 19 1/2 months at Triangle Island Wireless. 4th operator at Digby Island in 1916. His rank on January 1918 was RNCVR (Special) W/T operator. He was an operator at the Estevan Point Wireless station when Bowerman arrived there as the OIC in 1923. His 1926 net pay was $1762.82 Listed as an operator at Estevan Point in 1923.  He is still there from 1928 to 1938 as the OIC, Justice of the Peace and Post Master.  A November 1938 news item reports he was operating at the Merchant's Exchange (when he shifted out of Estevan is unknown) and is moving to a new position as the chief operator at Victoria.

   Meiss was at Estevan Point in 1932 when Gene Aitkens arrived. His name appears on the 1933 station Christmas card. She mentions he was also there in 1934 and moved to Vancouver in 1939 after 22 year service. A month later he was promoted to Victoria/Gonzales as the station manager in the winter of 1938. Elmo, his wife Jessie (d. 1977 at 90yrs) and daughter Thelma appear in a number of the Aitkens photos taken at Estevan during the 1930's. Jim retired in 1958 (d.1969) with 45 years under his belt. His last position was the Senior Radio Inspector for Vancouver Island. 


Mellish, C.W.   Listed as an operator at Estevan Point in 1923.  While at Point Grey in August 1924 he had been puzzled by mysterious signals for several weeks.  Since Mars was at its closest point to earth at that time there was some thought Martians may be trying to contact Earth.  9/1924 news item mentions Mellish showing an amateur radio club around the Point Grey station (VAI).  In 1926 his pay packet was $1,626.00

Mellor, Stavely John   Mellor joined the Department in January of 1930 and retired in 1970. In 1938 Stave was operating at Digby, most likely the OIC. Still there in 1947.  He came down from Digby to be the Officer in Charge at Alert Bay in September 1949 and moved out in September 1955. Photo is from the mid 1950's.
   Mellor was a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in 1936. (b. 1909).


Mennie, John   Mennie was a Bull Harbor wireless operator in the years 1930 to 1932.  (He appears in a 1932 Directory edition operating at Alert Bay Wireless.  Mennie's name is on the 1933 Alert Bay Radio's Christmas card, along with three others. The BC Archival Information Network lists John Mennie as an operator at Alert Bay from 1930 until 1937.

Metcalfe, Ben   1912 Federal accounts show a payment of $10/month for 8 months as the "mail carrier" between Jedway and the Ikeda Station.

Miller, D.  Operator at VAI in 1962.

Miller, Al   Bill Harker's dad gave Al his ham ticket in 1933. He and Jack Bowerman signed Al into the DOT in 1941.  Operator on the coast.  No station info available. Al was a source of information for the staff pages.

Mitchell, Donald  Operator at Victoria at some time. Radio Inspector locally in 1944..

Moffatt, Kenneth George   Moffatt began his radio career as a wireless instructor in the RAF during WW 1 at the Farnborough School of Aerial Wireless.  After the armistice he made his way to Canada and was in charge of the Dominion Wireless Workshop in Victoria until 1921. He then opened a radio store in Victoria. (d. 1926 at age 39.)


Momsley, C. E.   1912 Federal accounts: Pachena Point: carrying mail, Bamfield to Pachena Point, 6 months @ $10 per.
Moody, Ernie  Operator on the coast.  No station info available.
Morse, Arthur H.   Morse appears first as the Canadian superintendent for the Lee-Forest Wireless Telegraph Company, a rival of the Marconi Company. He joined the Dominion government and in July 1907 was overseeing the initial construction at Estevan Point and Point Grey. When his boss, Cecil Doutre, went to Ottawa in the summer of 1907, Morse was left in charge overseeing the construction of the first five stations. Local paper reports him doing the installation at Point Grey in November 1907. His pay was $90/month with a $40/month living allowance. He was the OIC at Estevan Point when it opened. Some years later he was the OIC at Point Grey until relieved by Field.
Moses, Charlie A.   He, with his family, was an operator at Dead Tree Wireless for several years in the early years of the station. Larry Reid's book has him listed on November 05, 1923 as an operator. In 1926 he took home $1,585.89 in wages.
Mugford, Bertram (Bert)   Reid's book has him listed as an operator on November 05/1923. $1,546.24 was his net pay in 1926. Tall & thin and resided in Sooke most of his life. Quite likely was an early operator on the CGS 'Estevan'.
Muir, A.B.   Part of the military guard at Bamfield 1916.